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David K. Hovis

Your Meaningful Retirement

Most retirees are giddy with excitement as they embark on their retirement.  No more early morning alarm settings, no more job responsibilities, no more work stress.  Every day is Saturday and the thought of all that free time sounds wonderful.  But, many times, once the honeymoon phase of retirement passes, retirees find they don’t have things to fill their days.  They become bored and feel unfulfilled.  Many seek part-time jobs, not necessarily for the money, but to give them something to do.   

Pre-retirees often meet with their advisors and financial planners to assess their retirement readiness.  They pour over the financials to gauge if their money will last for the remainder of their lifetime.  They focus on WHEN can I retire, but may not look into the WHY or the WHAT will I do with my time.  And the WHY and the WHAT in retirement are just as important as the WHEN. 

During a meeting with our Jackson National Life Insurance rep, he showed us an unusual presentation.  Unusual in the sense that it wasn’t a sales pitch.  There weren’t product specific sales sheets or comparisons on why their annuities are better than others or any mention of costs and fees.  Instead, it focused on a conversation to hold with clients as they are considering retirement.  It dove deep, forcing us (and our clients) to look within ourselves to find out what our passions are, who we want to spend our time with, and what our overall purpose in life is. 

We hosted a group meeting with some of our clients to present this “Retire on Purpose” material.  It included a thought-provoking handout that walked clients through this inner reflection process, looking at values and beliefs, relationships and connections.  Those that attended left with a completely new and refreshed way to look at their retirement.

It can take months to iron out all the details of your upcoming retirement.  Are you needing some direction about your retirement decision?  Hovis & Associates will be hosting a Medicare Agent Broker Training with a focus topic on retirement.  While this was originally planned for April, due to the stay-home order, we are looking to reschedule this in July.  We will be presenting “Retire on Purpose”, this in-depth look at creating your retirement lifestyle by Jackson National Life Insurance.  We invite our current as well as prospective Medicare agents to join us.  Watch our social media page or your email for more information.

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